(stollen from Bubble Visor)
Bubble Visor is, in my opinion, the best blog on the inter-styled-webs. Dude posts everything from the raddest "choppers" to amazing sport bikes. 2 things I love.
The last week or so he's posted some of the very best vintage sport bikes on the planet. If you go there and don't like the bikes you see I'll most likely talk shit on your taste behind your back......but still shake your hand or whatever when I see you in person. I'm not a savage.
Brandon Brandon fo Fandon Banana Fana fo Mandon, fi fo bo Brandon.
I see what you're doing, Michael......
I'm droppin' siq ryhmzzz...
mike mike whats the deal put some power to that shovel back wheel.
my favorite part about our blog is that we don't have some stupid fucking capticha code thing or comment moderation like the "other slc moto blog"
Andy Andy he's so randy I bet he tastes like Peppermint Candy.
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